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Grow your skills, define your future.

Legal Lean Six Sigma is a team-oriented data driven approach to process improvement focused on delivering value to the client. Applied to legal services, it can quickly and favorably impact the bottom-line in cost and time savings. The legal industry is entering a new period of people, process, and technology innovation. By up-skilling your team and giving them tools to tackle legal innovation effectively and efficiently, you will be able to deliver unparalleled services and value to your clients.
Our courses are accredited by the PMI, the Association of Change Management Professionals, and the Council for SixSigma Certification. Bring the best of business to the world of law and distinguish yourself from the rest. Start today!

About our Karta Legal Virtual Campus

Karta Legal LLC, a legal technology innovation consulting Trailblazer, has teamed up with Acuity Institute, a world renowned Lean Six Sigma and Leadership accreditation institution, to bring the best of business to the practice of law.
We offer hand selected, curated, and tailored courses and workshops to serve lawyers, legal services providers, and legal support staff. With the assistance of our Karta Legal LLC team, and the personalized instruction and supervision of our CEO, Lourdes Fuentes Slater, we will up-skill your team to meet the challenges of a new era.

Our Courses

Combining personalized legal workshops and webinars with online classes, we aim for excellence. Our courses are accredited by the PMI, the Association of Change Management Professionals, and the Council for Six Sigma Certification. They are designed to up-skill legal professionals with the tools they need to deliver legal services in innovative and efficient ways, thereby adding value to your client.
By learning new skills and using tools to improve processes, you will optimize the success of any technology or innovation initiative. Distinguish yourself from other traditional legal services providers and help shape the legal professionals of the future!




Project Management Skills Professional


Lean Six Sigma

Choose Your Path

Our courses, webinars, and workshops, are curated to train you on the strategies, tools, and methodologies you need to succeed today. As Lean Six Sigma Black Belt experts, the Karta Legal team is a strong believer in focusing where it counts! For legal professionals, neither a White Belt (too basic) nor a Black Belt (too advanced) is typically necessary to achieve the goals of efficiency and efficacy for better project management and process improvement.
Hence we have opted to focus on Yellow and Green Belt certifications for legal professionals as the starting point of your journey. Also, without understanding the path to change management, legal professionals often lack the tools they need to create a strategy for successful implementation and adoption of new technologies or innovative processes. It is for this reason, we are very excited to provide you with the foundations for change management through our Change Management Certification program.


Virtual Online Campus

Karta Legal Virtual Campus focuses on the most important courses to improve legal process and project management: Change Management and EITHER a Yellow Belt 

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    LSS or a Green Belt LSS, depending on the size of projects handled and services provided by your company. We have curated just what your team needs to upskill and become a value driven service provider.
    Group and package pricing are available upon request


Private Webinars and CLE Courses

We offer free webinars and CLE courses on demand, as well as for-fee webinars and CLE courses tailored to your specific needs and projects.

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    Priced upon request


Personalized Workshops

Because each team and project has unique personality and needs, with every group course purchase we offer the following: 

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    1) initial consultation with team leader(s) and/or stakeholders; 2) 2-hour pre-course workshop addressing the why and how of process improvement and project management and providing a primer on Lean Six Sigma and Change Management; 3) a 2-hour post-course workshop to map out up to 3 case studies of legal process improvement and address follow up questions.
    Priced upon request of group pricing of 5 or more individuals.

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